/ Student Life

Packing List

Are you a minimalist or an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink kind of packer? Whatever your habits, we have a few suggestions for what to bring to campus in August.

Hope College arch

The Essentials

⬜ Housing assignment (mid-July)
⬜ Course schedule and academic advisor assignment (end of July)
⬜ ATM/debit card
⬜  Social Security card
⬜ Copy of insurance card 
⬜ Phone and charger
⬜ Window fan/box fan 
⬜ Extension cord and power strip 
⬜ Surge protector 
⬜ Trash can
⬜ Set of dining utensils
⬜ Sanitizing wipes

Study Supplies

⬜ Pens, pencils and highlighters
⬜ Index cards
⬜ Sticky notes
⬜ Scissors and tape
⬜ Stapler and staples
⬜ Calculator
⬜ Computer
⬜ Folders and binders
⬜ Calendar and day planner

Laundry and Cleaning

⬜ Laundry bag or hamper
⬜ Laundry detergent
⬜ Dryer sheets
⬜ Paper towels
⬜ Stain remover
⬜ Air freshener
⬜ Cleaning wipes

Bath and Bed Supplies

⬜ Towels and washclothes
⬜ Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
⬜ Soap and body wash
⬜ Shower tote and shower sandals 
⬜ Hair brush, hair dryer, flat iron and comb
⬜ Extra long twin sheets (39" x 80") and mattress pad
⬜ Comforter/duvet and pillows
⬜ Hangers
⬜ Prescriptions and refills
⬜ Mini first aid kit

Seasonal Items

⬜ Winter coat
⬜ Hat, scarf and mittens
⬜ Boots
⬜ Raincoat
⬜ Umbrella
⬜ Swimsuit
⬜ Beach towel
⬜ Lawn chair

Room Extras

⬜ Television
⬜ Gaming consoles
⬜ Mini-fridge (limit 3.4 cubic feet)
⬜ Coffee pot
⬜ Floor lamp or desk lamp
 â¬œ Tool kit
 â¬œ Room decor
 â¬œ Dry erase board for your door

Things to Leave at Home

Please leave your grills, toasters, space heaters, candles, incense and air conditioners at home. Each residence hall is equipped with a kitchen, including a microwave, for your convenience.